B-school Group Discussion

The notion that one can do well in the Group Discussion round of a B-School final placement by preparing on the days leading to it seems flawed.

In my limited experience, I believe that one of the essential attributes recruiters look for in a candidate is the respect he/she has amongst his/her peer group.

Not the respect one presumes he/she gets by being loud or abrasive during a GD.

The respects one earns over the two years by participating in the class discussions and enriching it by providing key insights constantly.

Peers look up to such a person while at a GD.

While that person speaks, others hear him/her out and nod as a sign of approval. While they speak, they constantly look at that person and seek his/her approval.

It's spontaneous and instinctive. It is a sign of respect.

Excellent communication skills, articulation skills, tone, domain knowledge are important.

But one that is never talked about and is grossly undervalued is the respect of the peers.

It is not attained overnight. It takes effort from day 1.

Orginally published on LinkedIn